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Vicevi o Slovencima
1. Na tour de slovenija pobjedio je Munjatović trebao je za tu pobjedu okržiti cijelu sloveniju (1km), trebalo mu je 1minuta i 20 sekundi
2. Zašto je disco club u Ljubljani zatvoren?
Susjedne države su se bunile na buku
3. Napravili Slovenci atomsku bombu, pa su odlucili da ce je baciti na Ameriku,kako bi ju isprobali. Izda Drnovsek naredbu i Slovenci ispale bombu. Cekaju tri dana, Amerikanci nista. Naprave oni jacu bombu, opet ispale. Opet cekaju tri danai opet nista. Naprave i trecu jos jacu i opet ispale. Amerikanci opet nista. I sad Drnovseku cudno, sto Bush ne reagira, pa ga nazove: "Halo George, zasto ne uzvracas?"Bush: "Janez, jebat cu vam majku cim vas pronadem na karti!!!
4. Zašto Slovenci sviraju harmoniku okomito?
Jer bi inače trebali putovnicu?
5. Zasto slovenci dolaze na Hrvatsko more?
Zato jel je njihovo premalo
6.Za što slovenski ribari koriste radar?
Za zajebanciju !
7. Pravila za slovenski picigin -
"putovnica obavezna"
8. Kako Slovenci mjere ubrzanje auta?
- od 0 do granice
9. Ide kamiondžija kroz Sloveniju i zaustavi ga policajac. Tip počne napadat policajca.
Policajac pita što mu je kriv, a ovaj kaže - pa baš sam mislio proći Sloveniju na dah.
10. Sto u hrvatskoj naprave s kondomima nakon upotrabe?
- Bace ih u kontejnere, recikliraju, pretope u zvakace gume i prodaju ih u Sloveniju.
11.Vozi Mujo kamion kroz Sloveniju. Pici on tako kad odjednom ga zaustavi policajac. Kaže policajac:
- Drug, migalec vam ne dela!
Izade Mujo van i gleda okolo i cudi se. Policajac ga spopao:
- Drug, pogledajte, migalec vam ne dela!
Mujo gleda okolo sav u cudu. Opet ce policajac:
- Migalec vam ne dela!
Kad Mujo odjednom:
- Ma jebo te migalec, gledam gdje mi je prikolica!!!
12. Leti boeing 747 kroz sloveniju...
Čuje se slovenska kontrola leta: "dobar dan, dobro doš..... doviđenja!
13. Zasto Hrvatska nikad nece napasti Sloveniju?
- ko ce pucat, a da ne promasi ni s jednim metkom, pa ubije Austrijanca
- najblizi top mora bit u Vinkovcima, da ne pogodimo Graz
- avioni se ne mogu zaokrenut ako prijedju granicu, a da ne udju u Austriju
- ne stanu dva ratna broda odjednom u slovenski akvatorij
14. Slovenija je tak mala, da na ajrodromu u Ljubljani nema domacih
- Fakat nema!!!
15. Kako prepoznas slovenskog supermana?
- Lezi na sanku, istegnute desnice.
16. Koje su boje slovenski patrolni camci?
- Oba su plava.
17. Slovenci uopce ne trebaju mobitel,
oni mogu komunicirati jodlanjem s jednog kraja drzave na drugi.
18. Sta koriste Slovenci za nadgledanje zracnog prostora?
- Vojnika na vrhu triglava.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
A burnout (also called a peel out or brake burn by some) occurs when the driver of a vehicle (such as a car, motorbike, or truck) spins the vehicle's drive wheels until a trail of white smoke is generated.
The origins of this act can be traced to drag racing, where burnouts have a practical purpose; drag racing tires perform best at a high temperature, and a burnout is the quickest way to increase the tire temperature. In drag race tracks, there is usually a slightly wet paved space, the 'burnout box', reserved for burnouts.
Burnouts have become a form of serious competition and entertainment in their own right. Considerable prize money or goods are sometimes involved, and cars may even be sponsored or purpose built specifically as a burnout car. Burnout competitions are judged on crowd response, so style and attitude are factors. These contests are particularly popular in Australia but often occur in North America as well.
Burnouts are extremely easy to achieve in a front-wheel drive car where the parking brake works on the rear wheels; all one has to do is hold the parking brake (also known as the 'emergency brake' or 'e-brake' by many) and accelerate. This is because front-wheel drives have the engine's power transferred to the front wheels only, so keeping the rear wheels in place is bound to cause the front wheels to 'grind' against the ground without moving, creating tire smoke.
The origins of this act can be traced to drag racing, where burnouts have a practical purpose; drag racing tires perform best at a high temperature, and a burnout is the quickest way to increase the tire temperature. In drag race tracks, there is usually a slightly wet paved space, the 'burnout box', reserved for burnouts.
Burnouts have become a form of serious competition and entertainment in their own right. Considerable prize money or goods are sometimes involved, and cars may even be sponsored or purpose built specifically as a burnout car. Burnout competitions are judged on crowd response, so style and attitude are factors. These contests are particularly popular in Australia but often occur in North America as well.
Burnouts are extremely easy to achieve in a front-wheel drive car where the parking brake works on the rear wheels; all one has to do is hold the parking brake (also known as the 'emergency brake' or 'e-brake' by many) and accelerate. This is because front-wheel drives have the engine's power transferred to the front wheels only, so keeping the rear wheels in place is bound to cause the front wheels to 'grind' against the ground without moving, creating tire smoke.
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